Our Children’s Homestead helps families adopt children within the foster care system who are unable to return to their family of origin. Children who are available for adoption through the OCH specialized foster care program receive the same services provided through our foster care program. A child placed in a foster home after six months of care can become eligible for adoption. Families will receive the support of an Adoption Specialist who will help the family prepare for the transition. The Adoption Specialist will also help the family identify any additional resources needed before adoption is completed.
Families are able to access IL DCFS legal services for subsidy review and court fees
which offered through an adoption attorney panel. Families will have the option to receive support through a subsidy and have access to individual therapy through our post adoption contract. All families are eligible for IL DCFS Post Adoption/Guardianship Services in the future if needed.
Families are able to access IL DCFS legal services for subsidy review and court fees
which offered through an adoption attorney panel. Families will have the option to receive support through a subsidy and have access to individual therapy through our post adoption contract. All families are eligible for IL DCFS Post Adoption/Guardianship Services in the future if needed.