Our Children’s Homestead views each foster parent as a valued member of their child’s treatment team. Being a parent is a full time commitment- there is no such thing as taking a sick day or a break. We recognize that parenting children and adolescents with significant abuse and trauma histories requires additional support.
TFP (Therapeutic Foster Parent) Academy
Before welcoming a child into their home, foster parents participate in intensive training for parenting specialized youth in care. TFP Academy aims to help parents:
• Develop the skills necessary to parent specialized youth in care
• Gain an understanding of potential needs of specialized youth
• Recognize individual parenting strengths and limitations
• Become familiar with resources both within the agency and in the community
• Gain the confidence to seek support when needed
• Increase placement stability
Foster Parent Support Group
Monthly group provides clinical support to parents while fostering camaraderie and a support network among peers. Various topics including attachment, trauma, and behavior management are presented.